Man I really wanted to love this game

User Rating: 7.5 | The Last Remnant X360
I had been waiting for the release of this game for months, and I rushed to the store with excitement when it finally hit shelves. When I put it in and began the game, I was impressed by the graphics at the start. Litte did I know, I wasabout to be greatly dissapointed. First, I began to notice that the movements of the characters mouths didnt match the voice. I thought to myself "no big deal" and kept playing. However, as I kept going, the fact that the characters showed little or strange emotions in the scenes began to bug me. I pushed it out and continued nonetheless. Then, much to my dismay, the game through yet another flaw. There would be random cutscenes just to throw info at you. I was starting to get irratated. I was very dissapointed, because I really wanted to like the game. I ahd been looking forward to it for a while. Overall, I don't completely hate it. There are just certain things in epic rpgs that i crave. I thoroughly enjoy connecting and delving into the personalities of characters. In this game... you just dont get that effect, and I dont feel myself really caring about the fates of the characters. Now, I am not finished the game yet, so there might be a chance for the story to redeem the game... but not likely.
Overall, It had alot of potential. And I am sure that many will enjoy it. There are just some things that it lacks that are big parts of rpgs for me