sadly reviews on this game showed how inaccurate reviewrs can they really know what they're doing...??
yes it's true that it has some technical issues, such as the framerate issue, the lagging, the instance where you go slow mo during a critical trigger, and too much loading...
most of the said tech problems could pretty much be reduced by installing it on the HDD (you read right i said "reduce", since no matter what you do this would still pop-up every now and then)... But the loading issue's not really that bad after installing...Thus said this issues don't really interfire much with the actual game...
they've hit this game too much just because of the tech issues...i mean have you seen Gears...?? Both gears of war still got good reviews even with some framerate issues, why you ask...?? Who know, some say that reviewers now a days focus more and more on Shooters...Have you read reviews on upcoming games...??Almost 85% of reviewers ask for "multiplyer" if it has co-op or anything of that nature...Come on people...!! It's an RPG why would you have multiplyer on it...?? Single palyers are one of the building blocks of PRG...
Some even say it's not worth the buck, but oh god how wrong was that...??Fable 2 cost like $60 and how short was that game...??Sure the graphics are awesome, but The Last Remnant also brings forth great graphics in its' own way...And since SE went and gave this a price drop why not grab it...??
And more and more of the reviews have said that the game's story was so cliche...Uhhhmmm...have we forgatten that Almost every game's story's basically the same...??That being most of it's "TO SAVE THE WORLD" and then some...??Come on people they're basically all the same, the only difference would be how they're told...Like Fable 2, that story was really bad...I mean being a hero and all...tsk tsk tsk...And so was the ending...Sigh...Sure the story telling of The Last Remnant's not all that great, but it was good enough to keep you on the game...
And have you read the thing 'bout the leaders...??They said they were to shallow, and needed more so we (players) could connect...I mean did they just hire the generic leaders (generic being the premade ones without story)...??Didn't they know 'bout the uniqe leaders that you can actually talk to when visiting their hometowns, and some even give you quest so you would be able to know more 'bout them...Sadly reviewers may have had no idea 'bout this when they were writing their reviews (probably didn't even reach the end of disk1, sigh...)
I'm not saying that Gears or Fable was bad (since I own both and got them without going to ign, x-play, nor gamespot for a review)... I'm just saying that gears had some framerate issues and short story line, but they didn't get much points off for that...
Ohh, and have you seen the list of "best" games that are coming out...?? If you haven't check it out, most of the games here are Shooters, and you would hardly find any RPG...
So please before you even brush this game to the side based simply on "reviews" think first, or better yet rent it...This game's not as bad as what "they" want you to think...(A lot of people hated it after a few hours of gaming, and why is that...??simply because they didn't understand what they were doing and didn't think... This game's probably one of the few games with a busting board/forum and people ready to help if you ever need it...)
This game is not for the faint of heart nor is it for people who can't take the heat...This game gets harder and harder and probably one of the very very VERY few games that's actually challenging...(Simply because you can't really go off and lvl grind to overpower everyboss, since they in some form scale with you... And I for one love challenges...)
Try it out...Good graphics+Battle Sysyem that has a lot of potential+A lot of quest+Immense difficulty+Huge amount of customization+A lot of skill that you just can't help but to get them all+A long gameplay+Good amount of reasons for at least a 2nd play-through, and what do you get...??You get The Last Remnant...