The Last Story is a good game. It has a good plot, it has good characters, and it has good graphics (for the wii).

User Rating: 8.5 | The Last Story WII
There are a few things that make the game less than perfect. The plot is predictable, certain characters seem underdeveloped, and everyone but the main character is just too cool for school or totally insane. The characters can be a bit contrived at times, and the plot can get a little predictable but it's a solid game.

The worst part of the game is the way the fighting system works (which is also the best part of the game). Often you get stuck slashing at your opponent, unable to run away, because of the finicky auto attack feature: think Xenoblade but not as good. However, the combat is fun, unless you're getting stuck.

Another issue is sometimes your own allies can trap you in a corner, literally. They follow you wherever you go, and if you aren't in combat, you can't jump over them. They just stand there and stare at you. Once, I was told "come one Zael, we need to go! Hurry up! and I couldn't because they were standing in my path. The game has a great plot though, that will make you laugh, cry, and feel heroic throughout different parts. The only issue I have with the game is that they did not really explore the characters thoroughly. When you want back-story, it isn't there, and that's sad. Characters like Lowell and Syrene are at first extremely under-developed, but soon the other characters begin to fall behind them. Overall, the game is fun, the story is good, and the combat is solid. There are a few hiccups that keep the game from getting amazing ratings, but it is an overall good game. Except the final boss, who is a pain. The Bottom Line:
Audio: 9/10
Visuals: 8/10 (the wii's graphics just stink)
Gameplay: 8/10
Voice acting: 9.85/10 (when Callista cries it just sucks)