One of the most underappreciated games of all time
Gameplay: Gameplay is awesome. It took a step above traditional RPGs at the time and added a new, simple twist called Additions, which let you dish out more damage if you had perfect timing. After you did one addition multiple times, the timing became second nature and soon youu were dishing out the maximum damage. Plus the characters looked cool doing them. I give it a 9.0
Graphics: This game came out a while ago and so I dont remember if the graphics were good for that time or not, but sometimes this game's enviroments looked spectacular, so I gave it an 8.0
Sound: I dont pay much attention to sound, but it had some music that grew on you, so an 8.0
Value: Great length. It doesnt have sidequests to do after u beat the game like modern RPG's do, but trying to master all the additions for all the characters will take a while. I give it a 10.0
Reviewer's Tilt: If you cant already tell, I love this game. It is defenetly worth a spin for people that havent played it. Definitely a 10.0
Other things:
Story is AMAZING. You are pulled right into it and you feel what the characters feel, its facinating. The characters themselves were very well developed, all unique and each with their own interesting background. Finally, difficulty is very challenging, and you'll find urself concentrating FULLY when a new boss shows up.
(Edited on 11/23/07)