This game is excellent and an instant classic. The gamespot review is a 6.5, which is unfair.
User Rating: 9.7 | The Legend of Dragoon PS
The Legend of Dragoon is an excellent game. I do not know why it got such a low rating. Let me tell you exactly what is in this game. First of all, the graphics are revolutionary. This game has good graphics for a game that came out in 2000, and has good graphics even for a game now! Second of all, this game has excellent music! I haven't heard music this great since Star Wars! The story is really great, and it gets balanced out within the four disks. The gameplay is excellent. Unlike other RPGs, you dont have to attack once and wait your turn, you actually have to press buttons to make consecutive strikes, or to perform other commands. The storyline is impressive, there are a lot side stories. It has a mixture of tradegy, action, romance, and sometimes comedy! You should get this game before they stop making it!