why are you reading this you should be playing dragoon.

User Rating: 10 | The Legend of Dragoon PS
Ok it's time for some old school review. Dragoon is a masterpiece of gameing four [long] cd's of strategy, imagination, and pure fun. The story is about a war that ended 11,000 years ago were there were theise bad-ass nights calld dragoons or human + dragon spirit = dragoon fought and one the war against these poeple called winglys or humans + wings = winglys. Well now in the game you must take the form of dragoons too finish what hapend 11,000 years ago. I personaly love this game it is an old fasion Rpg with an fun battle system. One it well tell you when your going to be attacked and I no we don't like instint battle, but what make it so amazing is when you attack a system of camads apear and if you hit them all at the right time it unleashes a powerfull and cool move. it also has every thing a Rpg sould have. I recomed this game so much, but it should only be played by an experienced gamer and please entend to finish it.