The Legend of Dragoon... one of my personal favorites.

User Rating: 9.5 | The Legend of Dragoon PS
In this 2001 Sony release you play the role of Dart. You lead the "Dragoons": mythical creatures that appear human but have the power of transformation into "Dragon Warriors". Dart holds the power of the Red Dragon. Your other party members consist of Rose (Dark Dragon), Albert/Lavitz (Green Dragon), Shana/Miranda (White Dragon), Kongol (Gold Dragon), Haschel (Purple Dragon), Meru (Blue Dragon). You are on a quest to save the world from Melbu Framah, an ancient Wingly on a mission of destruction. Prepare to experience never before seen battle tactics with the Additions system while still being able to experience the old school command menu style all at the same time. Personally I recommend this game above even Final Fantasy 7 (believed to be the greatest RPG for it's time period of all time).