One of the top games of the genre.

User Rating: 10 | The Legend of Dragoon PS
An AMAZING rpg, my favorite for the PS and of all time. With a great storyline and decent graphics, definitely a game you'll want to come back to later on and play over again. The cinematics are amazing, especially for a console in 2000. You start off as Dart (main character) returning to his burnt down/destroyed hometown only discover your friend has been captured. The story folds out over 4 disks/chapters as more characters join your party who are coincidently one of the few of an ancient race, the Dragoons.

The battle system stays fresh as you learn new combos for each of the 9 characters. Pressing buttons at a precise time will lead to more damage. The sound is awesome and suits the atmosphere of the game. The graphics are up to par with the generation, but the cinematics are amazing. A game that's worth every penny and every minutes of your time. A masterpiece on the PlayStation that I'll always come back to. 10/10