This game is great due to its wonderful story line and its great detail of the people!

User Rating: 9 | The Legend of Dragoon PS
The game starts out like any other RPG does, there you meet some people, but then it leads to a war against Basil and Sandora. The two are fighting due to a conflict that happened. You start out as Dart, a boy who's family was killed by the Black Monster. He is searching for this creature, but on his way, realizes that his friend, Shana, has been taken away by the Sandora Empire to a prison, there he meets Lavitz, and he is from the Basil Empire from King Albert. He was captured and taken to the prison, but escaped from there. You meet other people in the story, and so on and so forth. This game has a great story line, and detail of the people. I would recommend this to anyone who has a thrill of Fighting! If they have an idea of a game this great, it would be this one. Play it, don't hesitate! It is definitely worth the wait and it is for people that can soak up the game to a point to were you can't take it anymore