One of the best but underrated JRPGs that has ever came out. This definitely deserves better than a 6..a 9 at maximum..
This game has a really deep storyline and I really enjoy the characters in this game too. I really don't feel like going too deep into the storyline because I feel like it's something you would have to experience, along with other JRPG classics. It's something that you will have to experience.
The battle system is really has the turn based battles and such but I really like the addition attacks and it can be pretty fun learning new additions and trying to master them...some do a great amount of damage and some get you quick points to get your dragoon out. Also the dragoon transformation has gotta be one of the coolest features of the game and the attack powers and magic are really awesome. The battles in this game are quite amazing.
The graphics for this game are pretty impressive. This is only PlayStation but at that time, these were very impressive and the atmosphere in the game look really nice.
Sound, well how can you have a JRPG without good music?? One of the main things about JRPGs is their amazing soundtracks that match up really well with the game...there are a few cutscenes with voices but mostly it's all just text, which is not a problem with me, I actually enjoy reading the conversations.
Overall, this is a great game that I would recommend to any RPG fan out there. Don't listen to any negative reviews on this either.