The greatest RPG ever!!!!!!!
User Rating: 10 | The Legend of Dragoon PS
Words can't describe how awesome this game is... It is just pure ownage! This game makes other RPGs look like they were made by my baby sister! This game has an awesome story line. The combat system is turn by turn based. So anyone whos a fan of the earlier Final Fantasy games should love this game too! Once you play this game, theirs no stopping! Yet this game is so long, that the only file i have at the end of the game, took me over 60 hours to get there! Which is nice because alot of the games now a day are so short you can beat it in one sitting! This is not the case with legend of Dragoon. I highly recommend anyone who likes RPGs and definitely anyone who likes turn by turn based games. This game just be my favorite RPG! Even more so than the recently released FF12! Which we all know has better graphics! All in all if you love RPGs and possibly turn by turn based games, theres no way you can live without trying this game!!!!!!!