Legends of heroes. Thé game if you're into rpg's!!

User Rating: 8.4 | Eiyuu Densetsu Gagharv Trilogy IV: Akai Shizuku PSP

Well to start off, this is my first review for gamespot so go easy on me….

Lets get going!

I live in the Netherlands, a stupid country where you can’t get legends of heroes….
I saw some dope ratings on GS and the review was just good, nothing really special.
But then I saw some screens of that game and I instantly fell in love with it…..
This was just like one of my favourite rpg’s ever! It looked alot like golden sun and I really loved that game, cause it was the first game I got for my GBA.

But one problem, I couldn’t go to my local game store and buy that awesome game cause it was never released here…….

So I went on the internet looking for someone who already imported it and maybe willing to sell it to me :)

And since 3 days I have it in my poccesion, and I love it!

You start of as young Avin who loses his siter Eimelle during somekind of raid.
Avin is totally heart broken and is desperate to find his younger sister back.
They have always been together since their parents got killed.
And now he has nobody anymore.

An old man takes Avin undere his care and raises him like a proper man. He also teaches Avin some combat skills, like swordfighting and Black magic, wich could come in handy one day.

The first few hours of the game you are basicly running arrents for the old man and other people in town.
Someday you meet a guy, Mile, who wants to become your best friend.

One day the old man dies and has one last request fora Avin and Mile, wich is to get something to some high priest or something like that, kinda forgot what it was all about.

That happens alot in the game.
You’re wandering trough the land of el phildin usually not knowing what to do really.
You really have to stay focused on the game and can’t really play for like 5 minutes cause you need all the time you can to finish this game. Or else you don’t get what you’re doing….

This game is really old school and I love that about it. It has a top down perspective wich will always stay that way, even in battles.
The battles aren’t really fast, but a good thing is that its your choice if you want to fight or not cause it’s not really random.
Weaker creatures will even run from you when they see you.

A funny thing is that from the start of the game (the real start, not the intro) you own a pet. Mine was a black cat. You have tof eed it and praise it so it will stay happy and halp you during battles. The game offers three pets wich you get at random. That is a Cat, a Rabbit and a Dog.
I cannot give anny comment on the rabbit and the dog cause I only have a get. You will stay with the pet you get the whole game.

A good thing about this game is that its very lengthy, unlike games as Popolocrois wich you can finish in 15 hours, LoH takes about 40 to 50 hours to finish, according to your style of gaming.

I really love this game and play it every day.
I will see if I somehow can get LoH2 too, via ebay or something.

LoH 1 is really worth buying if you like old school rpg’s.