This game is good, to bad Reviewers are getting to nitpicky.
I'm getting tired of reviewers with there nit picking, i havn't had any problems with the translation and the game is as i like it with no voice. With RPG's reading add to the immersivness.
From the start when i poped this in my PSP i was like WOW finally a Traditional RPG. the game does not look bad it actually looks really good. Something about reading RPG's make it more emotinal and when Avin was embarking on his quest and his friend Miles said so your going to look for your Sister, i actually felt they had a conection and i remember how i felt playing the old RPG's
Voice ruins RPG's because you don't get really feel that emotion. I remember playing FFX and sometimes when the voice was lame or not real to the person i would just lose track of the story. Now you opinion may vary but i'm just going by my experiances.
The combat in this game is decent but could have been better , but what i like about this game is it'sso old school and it all works very well. The story is sentimental and as i stated the fact you have to read it your gonna get more from it.
The whole game is well made and is worthy of a purchase from Real RPG fans will not be disappointed.Infact you may be like me and wonder why it got such low reviews.
All in all if you want a long adventure then this is your game.(If you do not like traditional RPG's do not even purchase this game your not gonna like it)