A good solid game that is not amazing or anything like that but proves to be fun at times and thats enough for me.
Story: Spoilers !!!! kind of ? (Don't read this part if you don't want to know anything about the story)
It all takes place where you are Spyro a purple dragon with special powers who meets up with a dragon named Ignitus who tells and you must go on a quest to find the evil dragon Cynder.
Gameplay: The game for the most part is a button masher with a little puzzle solving and plat-forming throne in but is fun for the most part, although combat and is a little hard at times its still pretty awesome if you do it right. As for the puzzle solving it can be a little annoying but is not that bad and platforming is really only seen in the end and the only part of the gameplay that annoyed me was the little flying segment you had to do in the beginning of the game but aside from that gameplay is pretty fun over all.
Sound and music: The sound track for this game is pretty good but not the best I have ever heard.
Graphics: Kind of out- dated for todays times but are pretty colorful and cartoony
Overall: A fun game that isn't too hard but keeps you entertained and is worth a play.