The Legend of Spyro: The Eternal Night improves on everything A New Beginning was missing.

User Rating: 8.5 | The Legend of Spyro: The Eternal Night DS
The Legend of Spyro: The Eternal Night improves on everything A New Beginning was missing. One of the best improvements The Eternal Night has is the length of the game. I beat A New Beginning the same day I got it but Eternal Night took multiple days to complete. The look of the game reminds me of the old PS1 games that got me hooked on Spyro. Story: The storyline is interesting. It continues where A New Beginning left off. Spyro defeated the evil that was controlling Cynder. He lost most of his abilities after the battle with Cynder. Spyro needs to regain his abilities because a new power has risen who is intent on resurrecting the Dark Master. While battling the evil monsters and saving the world, Spyro is also trying to save Cynder who has been kidnapped by the Ape King, Gaul

Gameplay/Graphics: The gameplay is way better than A New Beginning. The camera is positioned behind Spyro just like the PS1 games. It is easy to look around by holding down the R Button and using the control pad to look around. Looking around can be important. There are items that will increase your health and breath bars that maybe difficult to see. The breath abilities can be switched by just tapping the L Button. I find this to be a better way to do it then the way the breath changes were done in A New Beginning. A combo of breath abilities and physical attacks may be needed to defeat monsters. The breath abilities will not last long but used first to weaken the foe then finished with a physical attack works great. Each breath does certain things. The fire breath is weak but does consistent damage. The earth breath knocks foes back (which is helpful when 3 guys surround you) but it does no damage. The electric attack stuns foes and does damage over time. The ice attack does a lot of damage but takes a lot of spirit from your breath bar. Each breath ability will be gained at certain points within the game. Although the monsters in the levels can get repetitive at times, the boss mobs are fun, especially the level where you are battling in an Arena against all kinds of bad guys. Each level requires you to find pieces for the light puzzles so the puzzles can be completed and you can move on to the next section. The graphics are nice, not amazing, but it feels more like a console Spyro game then any of the others that have been made for a handheld. The graphics are in 3D which makes it feel more like the console games. The story is conveyed with still shots, narration and text. The only thing I miss from A New Beginning is the flying boss battles, but the boss battles in Eternal Night are enjoyable in a different way.

Overall: The Legend of Spyro: The Eternal Night is a solid game that offers the player a taste of the old Spyro games. It is a great improvement to A New Beginning. The controls are comfortable to use and the 3D views make it feel more like the console games. I recommend this game to Spyro fans and anyone looking for a solid platformer for their DS.