The story is just epic, the gameplay could use some tweaking, but it was definatly worth buying.
The music is good, nothing that immensely blew me away but it was good to keep the same mood as whats your actualy seeing, and the voice acting... well... Elija Wood did awesome as Spyro, but Billy West as Sparx I just found him annoying, the gaurdians sounded freaking awesome, especialy Gary Oldman as Ignitus he maintains thats father figure status to Spyro, though the gaurdians play a very short role in this game, with Mae Whitman as Cynder though a slightly bigger role than the gaurdians she does an equally impressive job.
The gameplay, well the breathe attacks are definatly a blast and being able to upgrade them is cool, and by the end of the game you can have 1-2 possible 3 breathe attacks maxed out/ fully upgraded, the bad guys you fight get a tad monotones because they all look sorta the same just differently textured, by far the worst part of the game when your playing through is when you get hit and Spyro is still in his "i'm getting up" animation during which you can't do anything but if your surrounded by enemies when this happens and they're still swinging at you, your still taking damage, the other key thing I was particularly nit picky about was the new power they introduced in this game where Spyro is able to slow down time (one of the perks to being a purple dragon) it's a good idea and a usefull power at times but for some inexplicete reason it slows Spyro down a little too... and I just don't get why he'd be slown down by his own power at the same time as everything else, granted you are still faster than everything else when useing this power, but only by a small amount, the Fury moves are awesome gotta love seeing Spyro unleash hell in the middle of a swarm of bad guys.
In conclusion, it's a sweet game not easy at all, The story is awesome, it's fun to play especially if your looking to unlock all the bonus content and it'll probably leave you with that "Damn I can't wait for the next game" feeling.