A good beat-em-up game,but if you'r not into the spyro trilogy,this isin't a game for you.

User Rating: 7.5 | The Legend of Spyro: The Eternal Night PS2
This is the second game in "The Legend of Spyro" series. It's pretty much the same as the previous one,"A New Beiginning".This means there is not any new features,exept for a power of time wiche let's you slow down time. What you do in the game is traval across five different worlds and follow the epic story. Along the way,you will come across puzzles and groups of enemies in wich you must use the four elements wiche Spyro learns gradually.Of course,you have a limited amount of this powerful magic and you oviousley have to watch out for your health. You can also collect gems to upgrad your breth powers. Unfortunatly,there was barly any replay abilities in the game,and the game itself was pretty short so you might wanna consider just renting it so that you know the story. The only replay abilities I found in this game was do play the game over again to fully upgrade your powers,health,lilited power,and to unlock all the concept art. However like I said earlier,if you'r not a general fan of the franchise,you might not like the game or even get what is going on. Over all this a worthy game to those who like a good stort or who is collectng the set,but if your new to Spyro, consider giving this on a pass.