Spyro: The Eternal Frustration

User Rating: 5 | The Legend of Spyro: The Eternal Night WII
Gameplay 4- If you liked the first game, you might play this; if only to fill in story holes between games one and three, but even then its hard to even sit through it all. The button-mashing combat is back, this time with some reasons to use more than the fire breaths the whole game, but offsetting this is a lot of cheap deaths resulting from enemies knockback attacks. They can keep pummeling you while Spyro tries to recover, so you wont have any chance. Not to mention Spyro has no HP or the enemies hit real hard.

The game's difficulty is at times maddening: cheap deaths as mentioned above, and another huge problem is that half the time the double jump move will not execute unless the button is pressed within a certain time frame. And why does almost every jumping sequence have to be on tree braches, boards, etc that break off the moment you step on them?

Dragon Time ability is required to progress in several cases, with many of those cases boss fights. Or you will use it just so you wont die from another million attacks coming at you.

I also cant stand ranged attack enemies that have perfect aim from a mile away (if you dont move), can project the said projectiles through walls or trees, and cant be killed unless you go out of your way to.

Graphics 6- Pretty much everything is recycled from the first game. You would think that going from PS2 to Wii there might be a slight polygon increase.

Sound 7- Best thing about this game is the music. Sound effects are mostly recycled, and I must say I liked Sparx's first voice actor a lot more.

Fun Factor 4- If swearing constantly due to frequent [cheap] deaths, or the jumping sequences- especially when double jump doesnt execute- is fun, then this game is a masterpiece at it.

Replay Value 5- If you somehow manage to keep your sanity after going through the game, you can go through it again with your same stats and a special surprise.

My Final Score- 26/50 - 5.2