From the game-play down the the cheesy lines it was like playing the first one but knowing how everything works already.
User Rating: 5.5 | The Legend of Spyro: The Eternal Night WII
There was only a slight difference between the breath powers and upgrades (which really didn't do much) THAT WAS IT they even got rid of David Spade for some guy who almost sounds the same but in the end makes sparks sound like he was trying 2 hard to think of anything witty. I used to love Spyro games but ever since their playstation days they have gotten worse every time. VERY disappointing they have fallen very far since Spyro the Dragon. The first three Spyros were great and they left u feeling amased intsead of disappointed like all the new ones have. I'm tryed to follow the new one but the story is shot and it tryed using the gems in a new way and exp system that was dry all around even in The New Beginning u felt like u had explored everything in by the time u got the second element