No 2 ways about it! this game ROCKS MY WORLD!
In legind of the mystical ninja, you play as kid ying in single player. at the start of the game you are put in a small japaniese city and you walk around killing all the random towns folk who want to walk into you or throw milk bottles at you. every time you kill some one he or she drops coins or a little red thing that adds score. you can use coins to play some cool arcade games that are easy to win then you get more coins! you can also use coins to buy armor that saves you helth or you canbuy food that replenishes you HP after you are hit. you are asked to go save a princess ( to my unserstanding any way) and you have to toil threw 10 levles of clowns, goats and my favoirit, giant squid! all the music is catchy and fun. Co-op multi player is soo great if you have a friend over. you will need your friend to actualy reach the end of the game because it is incredibly difficult after the 7th lvl. i have not been able to beat this game but i thuroly enjoyed it, the only problem i have with this game is that to continue from a spot you get a continue code. this code has letters and chariters that are vary tricky to write. nuff said. GET THIS GAME!