The greatest 2-D Zelda game, hell, the greatest 2-D game period! An absolute masterpiece from start to finish!

User Rating: 10 | Zelda no Densetsu: Kamigami no Triforce & Yotsu no Tsurugi GBA
Wow, I just finished this game for the first time and let me say that I am absolutely stunned. It was nearly the greatest Zelda game I have ever played (of course with respect to o.o.t.) It takes a bit to get used to the way you swing your sword but after a while you forget all about gameplay and start thinking about the massive world(s) and the amazing puzzles and battles you will have to overcome. There are loads of levels which as in any zelda game, means loads of weapons. I honestly don't want to ruin it for anyone that hasn't played this game and will just say this, go get it NOW play it NOW and enjoy the story in its fullest.