Along with OoT, this is one of the best gaming experiences a player could ask for.

User Rating: 10 | Zelda no Densetsu: Kamigami no Triforce SNES
Even though OoT is my favorite Zelda game, LttP is certainly my second favorite of the series. This game was revolutionary for its time, and it gave players an experience they have never felt before. This game packs a very impressive amount of dungeons and bosses, and it is so addicting that it will keep you playing for hours. This is the game that i can always go back to when i want to play a solid game that provides plenty of adventure and fun. It is certainly the best SNES game ever created and no game could match it. The graphic, music, sounds and control are all what we expect from zelda games, which is perfection. If you are a zelda fan and have not played this game, you are truely missing out.