A impressive port of a timeless game.

User Rating: 9.8 | Zelda no Densetsu: Kamigami no Triforce & Yotsu no Tsurugi GBA
If anyone had any game for his SNES, it was the original Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past. I believe that this was the game that really made the Zelda series what it is today. Nintendo had a lot of work cut of for them to bring the magic of this game to the GBA. I think they did a wonderful job, while adding the first ever Zelda game that was multiplayer.
The graphics look just like they did on a SNES, if not better. To me, I felt as if they brighter then the original, though it might have been my SP. The controls on the original only used two or three buttons, so in this new version, the B button swings your sword (If you hold it down, you can do a 360 swing) and the A button controls the special item (Bow and Arrows, Bombs, etc...), and the Right shoulder button charges the Pegasus Boots.
The brand new Four Swords is a great addition to the game. If you can connect to one to three GBAs, you have a multiplayer game that's just like the main game. Most of the time, you are competing against the other Links for the most Rupees, but once in a while, you have to work together to defeat the bosses or move certain obstacles like giant rocks.
It's really fun, and trust me, you will love it.