This is the Zelda game that has ever come out. Ocarina of time comes in a close second. This game is the whole reason Ocerina of Time was ever made. They were making TLOZ OT, and they didn't know what to call it, so they were looking back at LTTP and started thinking, they then took an item from LTTP and made that the focus of the Ocerina of Time. The ocerina in LTTP is used to call your trusty duck and have him fly you to one of many locations on the map. This game was truely the best. With the multiple worlds and the diffrent dungons. I never got bored, and everything was just right. The difficultly wasn't too hard or too easy. The diffrent puzzles and dungons were just the right size, difficultly and had a boss that was well suited for the area. This game just flat out rocks. I Don't know anyone could call themselves a gamer without playing this game.
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