Been a while since we got any Zelda that was like the first one.
This game play pretty much like the first one. Once you have that paraglider you can get everywhere in the game and explore.
While I had a lot of fun with the game I did find it quite empty. Lot of dead space, then a few trees and then another stupid Mogoblin that you kill a zillion time.
I've often see something in the distance that interested me only to find nothing there. Like a remember seeing a single tree on top of a snowy mountain. Got there, nothing.
In a game like Wind Waker you could navigate everywhere, you see an iles you get there maybe you can't do anything until you have a specific item and you are sure that no matter the size of the iles you'll find a tresure.
But the divine beast and the small shrine were a lot of fun and some of them quite difficult.