Just to give you a bit of my gaming background. I've been a gamer since the original NES and switch to Sony's as my main gaming platform since the PSX. Although I did owned a N64 (in which I completed Majoras Maks) and a Wii. I remember playing on my friend's house Ocarina Of Time, and being awed by how incredible that game was at that time, which made me asked my parents back in 1999 to purchase my Zelda.
Long time has passed, I remember playing a bit of Wind Waker on my brother's GameCube and since, I have always seen Nintendo's console and offering a bit childish and in many cases, implementing old and dated game mechanics / visuals and things like that. Prior the switch (which is an amazing console) I owned a Wii, I skipped Nintendo's WiiU, and remember feeling empty and bored playing and trying to enjoy Twilight Princess on the Wii. In some sort of way, my heart was broken because those old good days of playing Ocarina (even played on emulator later when I was on college) were gone.
That was until Breath of the Wild came along, I can not describe how incredibly satisfying this game is, playing it reminded me and brought me back old memoried, those I had playing Ocarina, plus a great urge to play more, like I had with the Witcher 3. I completed breath of the wild in a week, my body urge me to go back to the switch and continue playing, even after beating Ganon, I still turn on the switch to play breath of the wild and explore. Thats how good this game is...
This game is a masterpiece, no joke, and easily stands there in the podium of best games of all time, thats for sure, an essential game that every gamer should experience. Although I don't think it can dethrone Ocarina, since Ocarina set so many industry standards that even this game follows, still this game sets new standards and new bars to beat. 10/10.
This what this game on a emotional level brings, but if you want to talk about a technical level... The engine the devs developed is jaw breaking, the draw distance and sense of scope/space is amazing, reminded me a lot to the Witcher 3, but this games has better combat system and controls (the witcher runs like a tank while this game runs like formula 1). The AI behaviors (I remember taking the ingame camera to look the behavior of a computer control dog, and is amazing how well everything is scripted), animations... This was THE GOTY the moment it dropped to shelves, the other competitors (from which I own Persona 5 and Horizen Zero Dawn) where miles behind to what this game accompished.
It is sad to see how low the user score is. Too bad these so called millennia generation gamers are so close-minded to just down-vote because the game is not in the system they own or prefer.