4 games! Woohoo! PLUS a demo! You've got to get this...
User Rating: 10 | The Legend of Zelda Collector's Edition GC
There are 4 games on the disk- the origianal Zelda, Zelda II: The Adventure of Link, The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask, and (wait for it) THE LEGEND OF ZELDA: OCARINA OF TIME!!!!!!! All of them are awesome, but OOT really makes this amazing. What did GameSpot give OOT??? A perfect 10??? Yes people, it's true. GameSpots no. 1 N64 game is on it. It was a revolution in it's day, and still plays amazing. I love the Gerudo Valley music... and being able to play as a kid and an adult was, sorry IS, amazing. This is practically a review for OOT isn't it? Anyway, There's a little demo of Wind Waker in there too where you can play for 10 minutes (is it 10? Can't remember) and you acn play at forsaken fortress, windfall island or drangon roost island. Pretty good for a demo. All in all, this definatly is a collectors edition with some of the best on it.