A must have!!!! the best of the best
User Rating: 10 | The Legend of Zelda Collector's Edition GC
Great!!!!amust have 4 great zelda classics in 1 disk!!the first ,second,ocarina of time,and majoras mask all in 1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!plus movies and a demo in 1 disk!!!!oOT i say is the best, but thats my opinon.the first 1 you can beat in a mater of hours if you know ware to go but the rest take days to beat. you will love it !!!!!the game is a must git it if you have a gamecube if not git one and this game!!!nothing can beat the classics!!it may cost a lot but it is realy wearth it trust me!if you thick this sucks your wrong!!!it is the best mix up of zelda games ever!!