All of the video games in Zelda: Collector's Edition are classics that are still as fun as heck to play today.
A comparison between The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time and The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask.
The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time is often also called "the best The Legend Of Zelda" video game ever. It is a good video game, indeed, but there is a The Legend Of Zelda video game that is better, and it is called "The Legend Of Zelda: Majora's Mask."
Majora's Mask and Ocarina Of Time both have their ups and downs, but Majora's Mask just has more ups than downs in the end, compared to Ocarina Of Time. I think the main reason people Ocarina Of Time better than Majora's Mask is because it was the first three dimensional (3D) The Legend Of Zelda video game, and Majora's Mask went out and did something different, but it was for the better. Majora's Mask was a more addicting experience than Ocarina Of Time by far.
Comparing the graphics would be unfair, but Majora's Mask's graphics are easily better than Ocarina Of Time's graphics. In Ocarina Of Time, when you entered a house, it would just seem colorless, especially in Kokokri Village. Since Majora's Mask came out two years later, that is understandable. Both have great graphics, though.
The sound is much more memorable in Majora's Mask than Ocarina Of Time. I heard repeats of the same sound tons of times in Ocarina Of Time, and that happened a lot less in Majora's Mask. Majora's Mask just captured the feeling a lot better than Ocarina Of Time did. When the world was about to end in Majora's Mask, you could feel the sadness the town was going through in the music that was played. Ocarina Of Time did have some great sound here and there, but it was nothing to special.
The storyline is better in Ocarina Of Time, I believe. In Ocarina Of Time, you would start off as a little kid in the forest. He is just a meaningless little being until Navi tells him the Deku Tree needs his help. Link, the little "meaningless" boy, starts off on his journey. After he is done fighting the monsters in the Deku Tree, the Deku Tree will tell him about the three goddesses, Nayru, Farore, and Din, that created the Earth, as well as the Triforce.
As you move on as a little kid, you need to get the three stones. Once you get all three of them, you can obtain the Master Sword. Once you obtain the Master Sword, you will go seven years in the future to see the destruction that Ganondorf has caused while Link was asleep. Zelda is gone, too! Sheik (It should be obvious who she is if you have played Super Smash Brothers Melee, but I still will not go into spoilers.) helps Link out on his journey as an older adult as you tries to rescue the five missing Sages. There are seven in all, though.
The storyline just takes you to new places, and there are a lot more surprises.
Majora's Mask storyline is good, but you do not know why Skull Kid is evil. He is possessed by Majora's Mask, but why does Majora's Mask make him do bad things?
Okay, so the storyline is Majora's Mask is Link gets turned into a Deku Scrub by Skull Kid, and then the Happy Mask's Salesman tells him he will help him turn back to normal if he gets his Ocarina. He does, and for some reason, Link still wants to get Majora's Mask back to the Happy Mask's Salesman. Link probably just cares because he helped him turn back to normal.
While you are in Clocktown, you will realize that the moon will crash into Clocktown in three days. Actually, it is not just Clocktown; it is the whole world! So Link must save the four giants by going to four different temples to destroy the bosses and save them.
The good part about this storyline is that it makes you feel like the world really is going to end, and that you only have three days, even though you can go back in time. Ocarina Of Time allows you to take all of the time in the world. You can fish, and Ganondorf will just be waiting for you to kick his butt.
Majora's Mask gets this one, hands down! Sure, almost all of the characters were taken from Ocarina Of Time, but their personalities were definitely unique in every single way possible. The characters had moods and other things that made them different than the ones from Ocarina Of Time.
When the moon is about to crash into Clocktown and the rest of the world, everyone is worried, and they are going to different places so they can avoid getting hit by it.
The characters are just so memorable, and their death might actually matter to you.
The characters would also do things while Link was not around. Sakon, the thief, would not just steal bombs from the bomb lady when Link suddenly appeared. No, he would do it at a certain time. This made the video game seem more realistic. The characters actually did things just to do things.
The characters in Ocarina Of Time were okay, but their personalities were at minimum. You would basically be talking to a bunch of people who would repeat the same thing over and over again as he talked to them. Of course, the main characters do have an original personality, but almost all of the main characters will only be in the area that you are completing the temple on. Think of Paper Mario, and think of how you never revisit the same chapter again that much, so you do not really talk to the people again. That is what it is like in Ocarina Of Time, except for Sheik and Link, of course.
Game Play:
The most important part of any video game is game play, and Majora's Mask just has better features than Ocarina Of Time. Ocarina Of Time did have some great game play, but Majora's Mask just took everything and made it better.
In Majora's Mask, you could turn into a Deku Scrub, who could go in flowers to ride over to different places, and Deku Link could also do other things. You could also turn into a Zora, who could go deep underwater, and could swim really fast. You could also turn into a Goron, who had could roll into a ball, and run really fast when he did this. And obviously, you could turn into Hylian Link, who had the basic sword attacks and other features.
The great feature of the masks also added on to the side quests. I admit that some of the masks seemed a little useless, but some helped you out A LOT, such as the Stone Mask, the Bunny Hood, and the Bomb Mask. There were some other good masks, too. The masks were required to do certain side quests to get more heart pieces. You would also need one certain mask to get the Stray Fairies in all four of the temples.
There was also a heck of a lot of side quests. There were fifty-two heart pieces in Majora's Mask, and only thirty-six in Ocarina Of Time. The side quests were actually more fun that the adventure itself. Everyone had a problem that you had to help out with, which was fun.
I also liked how in Majora's Mask, you would do a lot more stuff outside of the temples than inside them. Do not get me wrong; I love the temples, but I just like the tasks outside better.
In Ocarina Of Time, you could turn into Young Link and Adult Link. Young Link and Adult Link could only use certain types of weapons. The fact that Adult Link forgets how to use a slingshot, and the fact that Young Link all of sudden knows how to use a bow and arrow(s) in Majora's Mask are two paradoxes I will not even bother to get into. Both versions had their different timeline, and you would have to use Young Link's past to create things in Adult Link's future. For example: Young Link could plant a magic bean that would sprout into an elevator-like thing when you played as Adult Link.
The side quests were not as enjoyable as Majora's Mask's side quests, but they were still pretty good. There was also less side quests. I would not consider collecting all the Gold Skulltia tokens as a side quests, since you could just find them lying around places, after you killed the Gold Skulltia, of course. There were some side-quests to get bottles, swords, and other things, but all the side quests pretty much revolved around the heart pieces, and you did not need much of those, anyways.
Other Random Comments:
PLEASE NOTE: This section is just some comments I posted in some The Legend Of Zelda debate thread a week ago. I took a lot, but I just felt like leaving some of it in. If you want the link to see my other posts in that thread, just ask me, and I will give it to you. This section is sort of a summary.
Sure, The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time won Game Of The Year, and The Legend Of Zelda: Majora's Mask did not, but that is just someone's perspective.
Going back in time was frustrating at times, but I could deal with it. What is so hard about
playing a song every 144 minutes? Nothing really. Plus, the whole time system made other events happen on different days, such as the aliens attacking Romani Ranch only on Day One (1), Romani's sister going in to town to get attacked by the Gorman Brothers only on Day Two (2), and sneaking into Sakon's Lair only on Day Three (3).
The moon was going to destroy everything in the world, so running would just be pointless, and everyone was afraid that the moon was going to crash.
The Legend Of Zelda: Majora's Mask had a lot of side-quests that filled up the video game's longevity, but as long as it is fun, I do not care if it is a side-quest or not.
Collecting the masks was fun because you needed to complete side-quests to obtain them, but I do admit that some were pointless. That cannot be ignored.
You could deposit the Rupees in The Legend Of Zelda: Majora's Mask, though! In The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time, you could only have 500 Rupees at maximum, and in The Legend Of Zelda: Majora's Mask, you could have thousands! This would help out when you did not feel like collecting extra Rupees when you run out of them in a mini-game you are trying to beat.
Random Fact: You could buy potions from the man in West Clock-Town, too.
More temples/dungeons does not make The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time better than The Legend Of Zelda: Majora's Mask. I personally liked doing everything outside the temples/dungeons more than inside, but that is just me. I still liked the temples/dungeons, though.
The Legend Of Zelda: Majora's Mask had so much harder temples/dungeons! The Great Bay Temple made the Water Temple look like a kiddy pool! The Legend Of Zelda: Majora's Mask's temples/dungeons had the whole room connected in the end, which made you think a lot more. I could go deeper into this, but I do not feel like it, but I will if you want me to.
I played my first The Legend Of Zelda video game in October 2006. I bought the Collector's Edition for sixty bucks, and played two of the greatest video games of all time. I have played the first The Legend Of Zelda video game and have beaten three temples/dungeons, I have barely played The Legend Of Zelda II: Adventure Of Link, and have beaten The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time and The Legend Of Zelda: Majora's Mask. Some stuff may suck in this information, but I know a lot about the other video games, too.
Ganon is usually the enemy in every one of the video games, and in The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time, he tries to get the Triforce of Wisdom from Zelda, the Triforce of Courage from Link, and he obviously possesses the Triforce of Power. In The Legend Of Zelda: Majora's Mask, though, the moon is falling into Termina, and Link must destroy Majora and give the mask back to the Happy Sales Man. Ganon is the main bad guy in most of the video games, though.
The Triforce makes up of three different parts, hence the part "Tri." There is the Triforce of Power (Ganon), the Triforce of Wisom (Zelda), the Triforce of Courage (Link). Whoever possesses any of part of that Triforce obviously has what the Triforce is said to do.
Think of Princess Zelda as Princess Peach. Occasionally she gets captured, occasionally she hides her identity, occasionally she is not in one of the The Legend Of Zelda video games at all. She is a lot tougher than Princess Peach, though.
Hyrule is like the Mushroom Kingdom. It has happy people, and they do things that everyone else did back, then. There is a castle, and it is basically Link's "home," considering he is Hylian.
The Ocarina allows you to use songs to go back in time, call for Epona, teleport to places, make people feel better, revive people, and do a lot of other things, such as opening places. It is basically the "key instrument" to Link's journey.
The bad guy, like Bowser, who always tries to steal the Triforce away from Link and Zelda.
*SPOILERS!* The Great Deku Tree is just some tree with a lot of wisdom. He is barely ever featured in The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time. He dies after you beat the first temple/dungeon in The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time, *END SPOILERS,* and he is in none of the other The Legend Of Zelda video games. He really is not a big deal at all.
Epona gets him around to places much faster, and I think he only has a boat in The Legend Of Zelda: The Winder Waker. I could be wrong, and I could not tell you because I have not played that video game before! Sorry!
He says maps to you in The Legend Of Zelda: Majora's Mask after you pop his balloon. I do not know what he does in the other video games, though. Again, sorry.
I might add more later. Feel free to ask me anymore questions you have!
I hope you have a miraculous, entertaining, and extravagant day. I also hope all your dreams and wishes come true. By your leave, I shall excuse myself.
The Legend Of Zelda: Majora's Mask offered many new side-quests and a whole new land for video gamers to explore that had tougher enemies, and it also had many different envirements. While The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of time was a good video game, it just was not as fun doing the side-quests as it was in The Legend Of Zelda: Majora's Mask. The Legend Of Zelda: Majora's Mask's side-quests were all pretty much fun, while The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time had you doing them just to get what you needed or wanted.
Story-wise, The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time wins. While The Legend Of Zelda: Majora's Mask did have a good storyline, it still is not as good as a legend being found. The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time was the beginning of everything, and all the humor and surprises had you waiting for more. Who would have thought that Link was a Hylian? Who would have thought that Link was going to be a hero some day? Who would have thought that the world would change so much in just seven years by Ganondorf?
If The Legend Of Zelda: Majora's Mask's side-quests were just as bad or good as The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time, I would say that The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time is better, probably, but The Legend Of Zelda: Majora's Mask deep depth of the side-quests and unique characters makes it an enthrolling adventure that will have you engrossed for many, many hours.
I think The Legend Of Zelda: Majora's Mask is better than The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time, but that is just me.
Both are superb video games, and both are one of the best video games of all time. They both definitely get in my top ten (10) favorite video games of all time.
The game play in The Legend Of Zelda: Majora's Mask was better than the game play in The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time because you could drift away from the main-quest a lot more because the side-quests were just that entertaining. Sure, The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time did have some side-quests, but not as many as The Legend Of Zelda: Majora's Mask, and they were not as entertaining. The Legend Of Zelda: Majora's Mask also had tougher enemies, more to do in the outside world, and a lot more features to abilities. Okay, I know most people like dungeons/temples better, but I liked doing the things outside the dungeons/temples, but that is just me.
There really is not that much to say about the communities, but I liked both of them a lot, except Termina Field was so much cooler than Hyrule Field because there so much more different parts to it with different enemies, too. They were a lot tougher, as well. Hyrule Field just had you running around some green field to get to the destination you wanted to get, and it was so vexing to get to places far away as Young Link since he did have the bunny-hood mask in The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time, and he cannot use Epona until he is older.
In Closing:
Both video games are excellent, and they deserve are respect because of their great brilliance, but Majora's Mask is just a little bit better than Ocarina Of Time. I know that many people think Ocarina Of Time is better, but I just found Majora's Mask to be a lot more memorable. If Majora's Mask did not have that many side quests, Ocarina Of Time might have been better, since Majora's Mask was pretty short, anyways, but it did have side quests, so it cannot be ignored of the entertainment all of them (The side quests.) had.
I believe that Ocarina Of Time and Majora's Mask are two amazing video games that reach the level of superb, but they do have their shares of flaws.
Overall Ratings:
The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time- 9.4/10.
The Legend Of Zelda: Majora's Mask- 9.6/10.
These two reviews were created on October 15, 2006.