Gotta love the classics!

User Rating: 8 | The Legend of Zelda Collector's Edition GC
This review will be actually real brief cause there's not much to say about it! It's just a regroupment of classics on a single Gamecube DVD. No remakes, nothing remodeled. Intact classics, You liked it? You still will! You didn't? Well don't go argue, you probably got them for free with your Gamcube :D I had mine free bundled with my Gamecube. It gave me a chance to get through the very first Zelda again 15 years later! It gave me a chance to remember the very roots of adventure gaming! I didn't allowed any time for the other 3 zelda games included! No matter, this sure is a pretty good value considering there wasn't anything bundled with the NES systems back then! (Except for Mario/Duck Hunt which you had to pay for!) lol! This will no doubt get a collectible object. I opened mine to play it already...oh too bad! (I'm not a collector I'm a gamer! :D) I'll rate it considering nowadays games even if it's a Graphics got 2, sound 2 but everything else is skyrocketing! :D