None of these games have aged a bit.

User Rating: 10 | The Legend of Zelda Collector's Edition GC
This has got to be one of the best, if not the best game collections of all time. Sure, we've got Sega shoving out Sonic Gems Collection and Sonic Mega Collection, even Capcom made the Mega Man Anniversary Collection. None of these games have aged a bit. They're just as fun to play now, as they were so many years ago.

Graphics: The graphics have been kept the same all these years, without showing any sign of aging. Sure, the Mega Man formula aged like milk, but these games don't get old very quickly. Each game is a nearly completely new experience from beginning to end. From Legend of Zelda's overhead view, to the re-invention of the sword, in Ocarina of Time. Each of these games look great. 10/10

Story: The story has actually been able to keep the grand scheme of things for so many years. There once was a wonderful land called Hyrule and an evil pig-lookin' tyrant sets out to recieve the golden power of the Triforce. And to do that, he needs to kidnap the Princess Zelda. But almost immediately after she is kidnapped, a green-capped kid with giant ears sets out to whip that evil pig's ass. 10/10

Difficulty: The difficulty for the most part, is perfect! Each game has almost the same difficulty, and each game doesn't have a huge learning curve. Each game only takes about 5-10 minutes to master the controls, unless you're just being introduced to a Zelda game. The only part that I don't like about the difficulty, that I can make an exception on, is Zelda II: The Adventure of Link. The game is hard, but in an unfair way. You have 3 lives, each life is easy to lose, and once you lose all 3, you have to start all the way back at the beginning, with no EXP, no magic, and the lowest Life Meter. I can make an exception, since I almost never played Zelda II. It's actually my least favorite of the bunch. 10/10

Controls: As I've mentioned before, the controls are simple and easy to master. Each control scheme takes only 5-10 minutes to get down. The controls have always been kept simple. They are easy to master, and the 3-D Zelda control scheme has stayed almost completely intact! 10/10

Overall, this game is a must-have for anybody who owns a Gamecube. I'm serious. Go buy it. Right now. Do it. 10/10
