An ok game, but very confusing!!!
User Rating: 5.5 | Zelda no Densetsu: Majora no Kamen (w/Memory Pack) N64
The legend of Zelda Majora's Mask came out after ocarina of time...needless to say it had some big shoes to fill!!! the game started out ok...the 2 things i hated about majora's mask were the fact that u had 3 days to do stuff then u had to reset time...i always hated this..even when u learned that song that slowed time...the other thing i hated was that u were ALWAYS little link!!!!!!! come on big link is was better! now i know that u can become Fierce Dety Link!! he kicked major az!!! but u can only get his mask by giving away all ur masks at the end! which means u needed all the masks! and on top of that, u could only use it in a boss room...which u had killed all of them by the time u got it. so it was usless, execpt for killing majora's mask, and the other forms... i can say that i liked changing from link to goron link or link to zora link...but diku link looked pretty stupid! all in all this was not the game i had hoped for after ocarina of time. but this is wat we got, so theres nothing i can do about it...but if u were a hardcore zelda fan...i guess u better have it..just because u should!