Majora's Mask is different but still a great game that rivals Ocarina of Time

User Rating: 9.2 | Zelda no Densetsu: Majora no Kamen (w/Memory Pack) N64
Majora's Mask is an odd game when compared to its predecessor Ocarina of Time. The quest is relatively short in terms of dungeons to be beaten but there is so much depth to this game in its side missions, that you wont be satisfied untill you've beaten them all. The premise is well-known as you need to repeat the same-events over and over again untill you've beaten the game in order to prevent the world from being destroyed by its moon which is crasing toward the earth. The four main dungeons are all unique and very fun, some parts are also extremely challenging when compared to those in Ocarina. The games second main difference is that you need to change forms by using masks in order to make progress, allowing you to become different species (Zora, Goron, Deku). Other masks also play parts in the side quests, some of which are very involved and fun. For example protecting a ranch from invading aliens and criminals and helping an engaged couple get married and defeat a crook. For doing all this and collecting every mask you are given a sort of super mask to use at the final boss which makes the fight very easy, sort of disapointing. The world is comparable to that in Ocarina with a massive central town from which most of the side-quests originate. Overall this is a great game that fans of the sries should enjoy. I would go as far to say that i prefer it to Ocarina of Time in many respects although it is tough to say which of the two is actually better.