well i really like the game it's level of difficult vairys from Easy to Medium hardness.

User Rating: 10 | Zelda no Densetsu: Majora no Kamen (w/Memory Pack) N64
Great game better the OOT and finishes alot quicker too.

There are seven boss in the game they are named: ODOLWA, the Masked Jungle Warrior, GOHT Masked Mechanical Monster,GYORG, the Gargantuan Masked Fish
, TWINMOLD Giant Masked Insect,MAJORA"S MASK,MAJORA"S INCARNATION and MAJORA"S WRATH; each one more difficult than the firs.

My Fave Enemies are The Nejiron which looks like a Goron and try to run like over when he walks(a little tip DO NOT ATTACK THEM or you'll be sorry) and The Real Bombchu which looks like a Mouse with a BOMB on it's tail (another tip if you here a Noise that sounds like a quick hissing sound Run because one will be chasing you) (once i had Five chasing me).

All and All it's i a great sequel.

If i had to chose a favourite boss i would have to say it would be Goht because *Spoiler* he runs away during the fight and you have to chase him with the Goron mask or wait infront of the entrance to the boss room and hit him with arrows when he goes by. also i like the way Majora's Incarnation dance part way through the battle really wierd.