It's hard to follow up a game like Ocarina of Time... but Majora's Mask does it.
For those familiar with OoT... you will know what to expect from this game in terms of quality. The graphics are spended (better even, than the original) and the game once again has a new soundtrack full of endearing themes. This game has my vote for best N64 visuals. Control scheme is identical, and it plays pretty much exactly the same way. What keeps this game from being a rehashed-cash-in then? It's has some unique overlying concepts, a new world with new dungeons, and its full of great parodies and references to the previous game.
This game plays much differently on one level. Instead of adventuring through Hyrule and its standard alternate-dimension/future incarnation, you play through the same three-day sequence of Termina over and over again. As you learn where things are happening when on this three-day span, you will be able to travel back in time and start all over again. This lends itself to a variety of time-sensitive puzzles, which Majora's Mask executes flawlessly. You'll always feel the tension as the final day comes to a close... the music turns sinister and the sun falls as the world is about to end, and you must quickly finish your tasks and leave before disaster strikes. I found the dialogue from some of the citizens in Termina's last moments to be extremely interesting and sometimes haunting. The sense of urgency and despair has not been so greatly recreated in any game in recent memory. Don't worry... by and large this game is just as charming and genuinely heartwarming as the original.
The plot items of a typical Zelda are now replaced with masks. Most of them are cool, and some have some unique powers... up to even transforming your physical self. Of course, some of the lesser ones are simply used as plot devices, which is kindof disappointing. Humorously, most masks have at least some function, be it dubious or no.
Fans of Ocarina of Time will notice that almost all of the diziens of Hyrule have an alter ego in Termina. Sure, it's kindof cheezy that every character is recycled, but at the same time it's hilarious. Most characters are parodies of their alter egos, and some of them are in radically different occupations.
Though it is really hard to find fault with this game, I must admit that I was once again disappointed with the difficulty in combat of this game. Minor enemies pose no threat, and most of the bosses can be easily bested with a small amount of concentrated effort. The dungeons, however, were once again beatifully done, with plenty of challenging puzzles. Also, though the twist at the end was neat (if not entirely unexpected), I was kindof disappointed with the final boss. These faults are minor, though... this game still stands as an excellent sequel to an excellent game.
The Verdict:
For those who enjoyed Ocarina of TIme, this is definently worth your time. It's a brand new story, with some new puzzle elements and a new world to explore. For those who haven't played Ocarina of Time yet, go get that one first! Not only is it an outstanding game, but this game will be enjoyed more by someone who has played OoT first.
This is definently a must-own N64 game.
+Best N64 visuals I've seen, great music
+A true sequel to Ocarina of Time's outstanding gameplay
+Introduces a brand new world and lots of new puzzles
+Time-travel concept is executed well
+Ocarina of Time character cameos are oftentimes hilarious
-Combat is still too easy sometimes
-Just about every character model appeared in OoT as well
-Final boss wasn't as cool as I hoped he'd be