User Rating: 9.7 | Zelda no Densetsu: Majora no Kamen (w/Memory Pack) N64
majoras mask is one of my favorite games ever and ill tell you why.. there are sooooo many sidequests in this game and they are very enjoyable. There are 4 doungeons in this game and they are amazing the puzzles and all that are amazing! but the really cool thing about the game are the masks they are unique in there own way ... example.. you get a zoras mask in the game and you transform into the zora and it has speacial abilities like swim in water and all that and when your a zora you have sidequests to do like play in a band with your quitar and there are some swimming games you have to play to get some pieces of hearts. I especially loved this game because it feels soo alive because there are so many characters in the game always doing something and it has many places to explore. the other cool thing about the game is that you control time itself but it has a bad side to it when you rewind time all your arrows and bombs and ruppees go to zero but you can put your ruppees in the bank so you can have it anytime.
i loved this game im giving it a 9.7