Majora's Mask, sequel to young link's Ocarina of Time storyline.
To complete the game you must play the same 3 days over and over again until you can awaken the 4 giants, and face the mask in a final showdown.
I like the concept of masks, epically the 4 transformation masks; you have a lot of weapons and equipment that you had in OOT, like the ocarina of time, hookshot, lens of truth, mirror shield, etc.
The game can be a bit frustrating at times for instance if you travel back in time before depositing all of your money in the bank you will loose all of it. The game keeps the same graphics as its predecessor, and all of the characters are in it, though they alternate versions of their OOT counterpart, since this game takes place in an alternate reality.
The game is second only to OOT for the N64, but it still is a classic, and another reason The Legend of Zelda series are my favorite Nintendo games.