Legend of Zelda fans only...

User Rating: 7.4 | Zelda no Densetsu: Majora no Kamen (w/Memory Pack) N64
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask is great game but is most likely only for Legend of Zelda fans. The game play offers a nice challengeand is very fun but could get boaring or blad and most likely only Legend of Zelda fans will enjoy it for long periods of time. A well-told story adds to the game but once agin it is not that good and the ones who will realy enjoy it will be Legend of Zelda fans. The game play is there to back up the story. This is the pretty good game but only fans of Zelda games will apperciate it. Any Legend of Zelda Fans should get this game. For any one else you should skip it.