Let's go down the rabbit hole... Legend of Zelda style.
It would be completely wrong to try and compare Ocarina of Time and this game, but many people compare it anyways. Let's not do that. Let's talk about this twisted, dark story of the Majora's Mask.
Majora's Mask takes place in a alternate reality where our Hero of Time Link, literally tumbles down a rabbit hole like Alice in Wonderland into a twisted world that is doomed to be destroyed in three days by the moon falling from the sky and crashing into the world below, ending the lives of everyone in a fiery wave of destruction.
If you think this is twisted enough, even before you get into the game, your Ocarina is taken, and then you are cursed by the Skull Kid as you watch in horror as the Hero of Time Link is reduced to a tiny little Deku Scrub and have to endure three days of the moon slowly hurling down toward the world until you can go into the clock tower and get your Ocarina back from the Skull Kid.
After you do this and finally get back into your normal human form, you finally get to dive into the world. The main focus of this game is to gather the four giants from the different temples so that they can stop the Moon from destroying everything in its wake.
But there is far much to do then just get those giants. There are so many side quest, side plots about people's problems and lives, startling revelations, and downright gut wrenching emotional things you experience as you start to piece together everything as you're trying to not only save the world, but the people that you get to know throughout the game from dying a horrible death. There are a lot of interactions with people that you get to know, and may even get attached to. The horrible part is when you realize each time you restart time, these people will have to experience the same thing they went through over and over again.
Not only does this game give you so much different things to get your hands in and secrets, but the music is simply amazing and will stir up emotions of sadness, even urgency as you play through. The Dungeons are also challenging as well, including the quest on the side you have to do before you can even enter the temples. There is a sense of accomplishment every step of the game you take.
This game has so much going for it. It has so much to offer, so much story, so many things to do, so very very dark in its story line.
If you have this game, treat it with care. This game is a little gem that offers you a lot. So much so, you may find yourself being drawn back into it, falling down that rabbit hole once again.