A perfect game but still not as good as Ocarina of Time
Graphics: 10 Not any different than OoT's but the environments are varied and cool.
Sound: 10 I dare anyone to say that TLOZ music sucks, I dare them
Controls: 9 The controls haven't changed but I like the addition of the masks (Zora's and Goron's kick @$$) and the Ocarina songs are easy to use. The only thing I don't like is that it is easy to mix up the "back in time" and "slow time" songs.
Entertainment: 10 Its a Zelda game. Do I have to explain how it's fun
Overall: 9.8 If you're looking for a game that is better than OoT than look elsewhere (if you're looking for a game that is better than OoT than you're an idiot because that game is the greatest game of all time) but don't think this game isn't good because this game is good and has a lot of new and cool ideas.