I played this game a long time ago, but i was feeling like to write a review of this awesome game!! GameSpot gave this game a 10, but I wont give a 10 cause I think the game isn’t perfect…. But it’s an awesome game! Well the story is about a guy named Ganondorf that wants to conquer the world, and Link, the hero, the chosen one, has got to stop him… Well, lets go to the game shall we? Gameplay The only problem that I found in the game, there are not combos with the sword… In Wind Waker there are and I think the fighting system is better there! The boss fights are great and you cannot go around them hitting with your sword…NO! You need to think of a strategy and your friend (a fairy called Navi) helps you find the enemy’s weak point…. There are also a lot of challenging puzzles that will go around your head for a long, long time! Graphics There is not a big thing to say in this topic…. The graphics are great! The best ones I saw in Nintendo64 and I must say that I played: Banjo-Kazooie, Mario 64, Mario Kart, Mario Tennis and other great games, these graphics are awesome! Sound The sound is also great…. There are times that you have to hit the walls to see if they’re breakable and by the sound, you understand perfectly… There are also some songs that you have to play with your ocarina, and most of them are enjoyable to hear… Value This game is long, the storyline is preety big and you have also some side quests such as finding all Gold Skulltulas, pieces of heart, poes and that kind of things…. You can also play this game several times without getting bored! This game is a classic, what can I say? If you like an action/adventure game with puzzles, great boss fights, you must own this game! If you have a Nintendo 64, buy it… If you have a GameCube buy Wind Waker, it comes with this game in the package.. If you don’t have this systems, you are missing one of the best games of all time!
Other Helpful Reviews for The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Well what can we say about this game!! That is has changed the game industry so much that if a gamer has not played it he really isn't a true gamer? Or should we say that it has had such an impact in all of us and raised... Read Full Review
have been a loyal Zelda fan since 2003, when I got the GCN w/Zelda Collector's Edition for Christmas this year. Before that, I didnt really understand the Zelda franchise. My best friend would bring Majora's Mask over ev... Read Full Review