The Best Game I've Ever Played

User Rating: 10 | The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time N64
The Legend Of Zelda : The Ocarina of Time is the best game I've ever played. It is the reason I started collecting games, old and new, and is the reason I still play my N64. It had a great story and it had the best gameplay ever. It was the first game I played that you could ride a horse as a medeval warrior and was the first Zelda game I owned. It changed the way I play video games, and it is my all time favorite game.

-STORY- The story is great. You play as the underdog hero and save the princess and her kingdom, how much better can it get!

-GAMEPLAY- As I said before, this game has the best gameplay of all time.

-GRAPHICS- At the time I was like, "Wow it looks awsome!" but now it's a little dated. Still this game rocks!

If you haven't played The Legend Of Zelda : The Ocarina of Time then you need to get an N64 just for this game. If you don't like it, then thats you. The Legend Of Zelda : The Ocarina of Time is the best game ever!!!!!