This is one of the best(if not the best) video best video games for the N64.
The game's graphics are really good. Even for an N64 game. The characters show emotion and look pretty sweet.
The game is an action adventure type game. There are many puzzles for you to undertake. Almost all of them are in the dungeons in the game. Some of them really require you to think a lot. Particularly the water temple. Dungeons are the meat of the game.
Through the course of the game you will obtain more items like a boomerang, a hookshot and a bow. These items will help you though the dungeon and get some extras in the overworld. There are a lot of extras in this game. there is fishing, heart containers, treasure chests and more. There are also a variety of monsters in the game. From giant hands to zombies it's all there. The place is very mystical.
Overall the Legend of Zelda:the Ocarina of Time really reinvented the series and took it to the next level. Just about anyone should play it. This game can definitely not be missed.