Worst game ever made...NOT!! TOTALY awsome!
First off, graphics:
Though some of the early textures look bad, one can simply say that all the worlds are beautiful and immersive, vast and simply BEGGING to be explored. And though the draw distance occasionally leaves somthing to be desired (In the first world, all the people pop-up aka fade-in rather suddenly, even for the N64) it doesen't happen too frequently and is acceptable.
Secondly, the sound:
The sound seems perfect in every way, other than the fact that voice-acted cut scenes would be a nice addidtion (Sigh, cartridges...). All the music fits perfectly and suits where ever you go.
Game play has been ranted enough about with the lock on stuff and stuff, so all I can realy say is that this is A FUN GAME! If I were to say any more than this, I'd be repeating my self with words like 'really, REALLY' or 'banana'.
To put it shortly, this is a reason to own a N64.