A game that can't be called anything less than perfect....unless you just played it during today's age in gaming.

User Rating: 10 | The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time N64
I loved this game as a kid, and I love this game now. It doesn't seem like much in this day and age, but back then this game was the greatest technological acheivement. The graphics at the time were mind blowing. Even today the graphics are great to look at.

The gameplay was and still is perfect. The gameplay influenced the gaming industry. Auto targeting, while now is a standard in games, was new and only helped the combat. The dungeons were mind blowing and very challenging. The designs were beautiful and original. While today the challenge has practically faded away, the dungeons and puzzles still feel fresh. The bosses were very challenging and creepy back then. Today, while still very cool, large, and creepy, the challenge has died.

The music was outstanding. Zelda has the best music in the Industry, and OoT's soundtrack was mindblowing. Todays games still uses remixed versions of Oot's music. Even today it's still enjoyable. Todays Zelda tunes are nowhere close to being this memorable. TP's soundtrack is dull.

Story and presentation is perfect. The story back then was epic, had good twists, and characters were lovable. Back in the day, like I said, the visual presentation was perfect. Today though it will lose it's charm.

Oot is a game that should have been played during the N64 days to fully understand it's perfection. Todays standards it's very good at best, but loses it's value. Im glad I played it during the N64 days. Even today I can't call it anything less than perfect.