There is nothing that could not justify me giving this a 10 this game was another milestone for gaming.
Story: So the story starts by the Great Deku Tree Telling the Fairy Navi that Link of the Kokiri forest is destined to great things and save the kingdom of Hyrule, and he wants her to help him on his journey Navi seeks out Link and tells him that the Deku Tree would like to see him, after you get a sword and shield you meet the Deku Tree he says that he has been cursed and would like to test Links courage and tells him to kill something inside of him and after Link will get a spiritual stone and then the Deku Tree tells Link to seek out Zelda of Hyrule Castle and ends up dying. After seeking out Zelda she tells him to get the two spiritual stones from the Goron's and The Zora's, he must venture through Dodongo Cavern, and even save Princess Ruto from the belly of Lord Jabu Jabu, after doing this he is awarded with the Spiritual stones and try's to meet the princess at the castle, as he is about to enter the castle he is greeted by Zelda and Impa running away from Gannondorf Zelda throws something into the moat and Gannodorf confronts Link asking which way they went. Link pulls out his sword in an attempt to fight him but Gannondorf puts him down like he's nothing using his magic, and goes after Zelda, Link gets up gets the item in the moat, which turns out to be The Ocarina Of Time, Link is then transported into a dream like area where Zelda teaches him the song of time and tells him to play it in the Temple Of Time this along with using the 3 spiritual stones. Link does so and the Door Of Time opens revealing the Master Sword Link pulls it out of its pedestal and awakes in the chamber of sages after pulling it out Rareu one of the sages tells link that he's must find the other sages to seal Ganondorf, and he tells him to look at himself, he is all grown up because seven years have passed. The story at this point had blown my mind as a kid and even now, nobody had ever witnessed a story like this in gaming, anyways.. After that link is transported back to the temple of time where he meets Sheik who says that he must seek out the seven sages, one in the forest, one in a volcano, one underwater, one in a grave site, and one in the dessert. And that's exactly what link does, after you beat each temple you will find out that the seven Sages, are Saria of the Forest Temple, Darunia of the Fire Temple, Princess Ruto of the Water Temple, Nabarou of the Spirit temple and Impa of the Shadow Temple. After freeing them all they will create a bridge to Gannodorf's castle. I will get to the rest later in the Review.
Presentation: What could you say that hasn't been said about Ocarina of Time's presentation? There was absolutely nothing like it for its time and to this day every single area is filled with such polish. Everything and I mean everything in this game makes this game look and feel like the perfect adventure, as I mentioned in my Paper Mario review If you make an unthinkable environment to play in, that doesn't need size to make it look good, but yet something new and something that nobody's ever seen, makes for an awe factor in the adventure and that's exactly the way Ocarina of time implemented it into their presentation. One of the best presentations in gaming.
Gameplay: Ocarina of time is an action adventure game, like all of the rest of the Zelda titles, but this was the first Zelda to be in actual 3d, and honestly could have not been done better the controls, are perfect Link responds to everything you input into the controller, there are literally no errors with the controls, their perfect. The camera my God the camera, it's the best in the 64 bit era of gaming, as I mentioned in both my Banjo Kazooie and Mario 64 reviews 3D gaming was new and Developers had a lot of trouble perfecting the camera, well in Ocarina of Time the camera is perfect I mean literally a milestone in gaming, there was literally no part that I had trouble seeing with the camera, it's superb and the bar for 3d gaming and what the camera should be like. I would like to talk a little bit about each temple, boss and item you obtain in the temple also. First we have the first temple inside the Deku Tree, the temple is pretty creative and simple and it makes for a good temple you will get the slingshot, the first time and the first appearance of it in a Zelda game, it's useful but it's one of the least used items in the game. The boss is Gohma, A staple in a lot of the Zelda game's since her first appearance in this one, Let's be honest though Gohma is a cake walk in this one, but for a first boss in the game is enjoyable nonetheless. Next we have Dodongo Cavern, This has some memorable parts through the temple, for the most part it's a great temple but some of the navigation through it might be tricky to newer players. Your treasure for this temple is the bombs, a staple in the Zelda series but this time you can use them in a 3d environment for the first time. The boss is Dodongo, again he is easy probably even easier than Gohma, but is not a bad boss fight. The third temple is The inside of Jabu Jabu, this one is one of the more tedious temples but not too long and isn't too bad, you receive the boomerang in this temple and again it's the staple in the Zelda series and again for the first time you can use it in a 3d world for the first time it's a good item but you won't use it throughout most of the game. The boss is Barinade One of my favorite boss's in the entire game, and can be quite challenging if you don't know what you are doing, you must use your boomerang to kill the jelly fish protecting it, and then hit Baranade with it and slash away at it, simple yet a bit of a challenge and fun.
Next The Forest Temple This temple can be a bit confusing, but for the most part is a fun interesting temple, You get the Bow and Arrow, and it works well in this game, The boss is a weaker rehash of the actual fight of Gannondorf, he is Phantom Gannondorf and to be honest is nothing too special, sure the fights not exactly the same but it's pretty easy to beat him, and at least for me, I just don't care for it as much. The Fire temple is next, This is another pretty confusing temple, not a bad one but it can be quite a challenge, You get The Megaton Hammer, which is a great weapon, and you must face Volvagia, and if you are not prepared this guy will beat you down to the ground. He's very very strong and will take a huge amount of hearts out of you if you don't know what you're doing, A fantastic boss battle in my book. Next we have the dreaded Water Temple, There are so many people that complain about this temple, and to be honest I have no clue why, I get the complaint of having to pause and repause just to take you iron boots on and off, which can get annoying I agree, but is that really the only thing people have to say about this temple…, well no actually, most people say that this temple is also tedious due to having to change the water level, while this can be annoying, I honestly never have a problem with it, maybe because I have played this game so many times that I know where everything is, or people just like to complain, but I honestly don't think the water temple is as bad as people make it out to be, I mean I wouldn't call it the best temple ever. But nowhere near horrible, the item you get in this level is the Longshot A necessary upgrade to the hookshot. The boss of this level is Morpha this is a decent boss but can be a bit difficult if you don't know what you are doing. It can be a problematic if you can't get good aim at Morpha due to the platform's getting in the way, but there will be a chance for Link to get Morpha when it is on one of the platforms so it gives you a chance through the limitations, which I think is fair. Next you can choose either the spirit temple or the shadow temple, I always pick What Medallions supposed to be in order and that is the Spirit Temple. But for some reason the game seems to lean towards wanting you to go to the Shadow Temple first, you can go to either one at this time.
So let's talk about the Spirit temple you must do half of the temple as a child and half of the temple as an adult, it's a nice change of pace and it's a really solid temple, you get the gauntlets, as a kid for this temple, which are cool and help quite a bit when trying to get through a path full of rock's and then you got the first appearance of the mirror shield, not much use for but there is a part in this temple where it is cool to use because you can melt a statues face off. The boss battle in this Temple is probably my favorite of the game Twinrova they are two witches that zap their ice and fire beam at you, you must zap it back at the opposite witch with you mirror shield until they turn into one giant, witch you must block their spell three times with your shield and your shield will actually charge up and blast them with their own blast to stun them and then you finish them yourself, it's nothing too challenging, I just found this boss battle really memorable and I always enjoy playing it. Last we go the Shadow Temple this is one of the most memorable temples due the fact that this is literally not a rated E temple I mean as a kid this temple use to give me nightmare's even today it's nothing to scoff at, this temple is literally crazy, I love it. While this is an enjoyable temple it's a bit short, but that's fine. The item you get in this temple is the hover boots which wouldn't you guess it makes you hover in the air for a few seconds, the only appearance in a Zelda game and I honestly wish they would bring it back.
After collecting all the sages, you must get to Gannondorf by going through his castle you must go through seven areas to break down the barrier and start climbing your way up to him you will face some of the strongest enemies and if you are not prepared, you will get massacred. After getting to the top it will be you against Gannondorf, it's a pretty simple boss battle but this is just the beginning, after you beat him you must run out of the castle because it's about to collapse. After you do so Gannondorf transforms to the horror that is Gannon, This boss battle is extremely hard if you make a lot of mistakes, the concept is simple but epic nonetheless, as you must hit his tail with your sword, and after he is stunned you can finish him off with the finishing blow. After this a huge celebration and many other things I won't spoil, a perfect ending to a perfect game.
Overall Ocarina of Time defines what a game should be all about, an adventure that is enjoyable all the way through, and not only that but memorable down to the little details, There isn't a whole lot I can say that hasn't been said about Ocarina Of Time, but I can say is there is a reason it's so critically acclaimed and even the fan favorite, but you just have to play it to find out. So… you know go on and do that.