Ocarina of Time is generally a quality experience with a small collection of flaws.

User Rating: 8.5 | The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time N64
The Zelda series has been known for high quality games with fun and perfected gameplay and graphics. Each game seemed to get better and better, until 1998 when OOT came out and all the fanboys said it was the greatest game ever.

Indeed the game got a massive amount of hype, but did it really live up to it? Almost everyone would say so, but there are those who disagree, and I'm going to do something blasphemous to all you fantards by speaking on the negative.

For one, Navi, an NPC that constantly follows you around and squeals at you all the time telling you things that you already know. Now, there is an option to put the fairy away, but she just comes out a moment later. She also ruins the experience by just generally being so god damned annoying.

Then, there's the tedious tasks you have to triumph over in the game, such as the following:

Having to speak to that 8 year old red haired girl who sings horribly and makes you have to do a stupid quest in order to advance the plot

Stealth missions; Infiltrating Hyrule Castle, where you have to learn where the guards don't detect you at, or the Gerudo Fortress section (But it's not that difficult once you know how the game works)

There's also Ganon and Zelda. Ganon is a generic big bad who's boss fights aren't that great as they are just games of tennis.

Zelda, as usual, is an annoying twerp who, despite having the Triforce of Wisdom (Which basically makes her a super-genius with an IQ of over 300) always tends to get captured and has never done an act of genius in any of the games.

There's also the community who surrounds the game, along with every nintendo game, which consists of 11 year old girls and boys who have intelligence roughly half of that of a redneck and tend to scream at anyone who doesn't rate the game a 10.

One other thing I'm gonna list for you kids, the fact that the game has such a weak story that I can't even write a thesis on it makes me feel upset, because with a game with so much hype should at least have a story of sorts.

Okay, you're some 9 year old kid who has a nightmare. You talk to a tree and kill a boss and the tree tells you the history of the world. You sneak into a kingdom where a girl tells you the exact same thing and talks about how that guy (ganon) is the bad guy and you two have to get magic objects to fight against it! You get said objects and go into the ToT and pull the magic sword and ganon intervenes and turns the world into what the real world was like when G.W.B was elected. You go through a bunch of dungeons and kill bosses to free some sages (Whoa, didn't we already see this in zelda games like 7 times at this point?) and you go to the evil castle and kill ganon and the world parties.

Literally, that is the entire god damn story, I can't even bloat my description!

I could literally go on to make a long list of flaws but I don't feel like playing through the game again.

I've probably made a lot of you 11 year olds out there go psycho causing you to cut large 3 inch incisions on your legs so I'll list some positive things I guess

1. Combat isn't that bad and on the N64 it works pretty good
2. Dungeons are fun and atmospheric
3. Enemies are awesome: Iron Knuckles, Dark Link, Phantom Ganon, Volvagia, etc

But, overall, this is definitely not the best game of all time. And when I was about 8 when it came out it wasn't the best game of all time. Thank you.