This is clearly the best N64 game, Zelda game, RPg game EVER! Buy this 1 now or else!

User Rating: 10 | The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time N64
This game revolutionized all the zelda games today. It is the best ever you cant doubt that. It was the first but far from last 3D zelda game. It had great controls and a load of fun things to do. The fun part is you can do anything! Well not exatly but you can go around killing things. You know the Zelda story line but this 1 is different. It has ganondorf the first human form of ganon. You meet zelda in the past who asks you to stop ganondorf from getting the triforce and you become the hero of time..."pff"... i wnt to get the master sord that is it for me. But no, the Biggoron sord is much much better. There is a lot to zelda, all i say is buy it you'll like it ok. BUY IT!!!!!!!!!