A masterful work of human expression.
I have to admit I was lost at the beginning of the game, in the big elder tree, when I got trapped in a room and there seemed to be no conceivable way out. It turned out I was supposed to light a stick on fire and then run by a lamp while the stick was still lit; I did not figure this out for the longest time and actually gave up on the game for a while because of this. I blame this on their lack of direction- yes, that's right, I'm blaming them. No, this is not blaming them because of my own stupidity- I very clearly note when I am merely being stupid and this wasn't one of those times. If I were to use common every day logic in video games such as "sticks burn" then I would be much less intelligent. One can't merely think that everything in a video game was thought out to the very last detail because most likely they are going to miss something. And they're lucky I'm not blaming them for the lack of direction on breaking the web on the bottom floor by jumping from really high up; I'm marking that one up to the puzzle aspect of the game.
Luckily, for this game's sake, the rest of the game was very smooth. The game had a nice look to it, if a little jagged. It had music that fit in perfectly with each situation and area. It had enough side quests to keep me playing for quite awhile. The battles are nice and smooth and keep the game fun. The vast land which you go all over in this particular journey is very nicely detailed and has many areas to explore.
The aspect of the game which most intrigues me is the Ocarina musical commands. Commands such as calling your horse, to making it rain, to changing the time from day to night, and even going back and forth through time. Nintendo also went to the trouble of naming many different songs after different types of music such as ballad, requiem, and nocturne to name just a few. As I once read somewhere and will now repeat "Nintendo must have had a thesaurus handy."
Overall a very good game though I would not agree with "flawless" as Gamespot has put it.