one word for this game... well two for the sake of it "Pure perfection"
Their are enough surprising twists in the story to make you actually say the words "wow..." there is no other game that has had this effect on me since. Every level is suited to the appeal it sets off in the dynamic level scheme.
Kings and leaders sacrifice themselves in an attempt to free and save the lives of their people. This was at the time probably the first game to have such a deep story with such a great story line, as basic as it may be.
One of the most amazing things in the game was the ability to travel through time and teleport from place to place. Even with the graphics they are, this game still wows me... this game truly set the fact that graphics do not mean everything. The graphics were amazingly advanced for the time, but are still stunningly great to watch.
I have played this game much over 10 time through and I will play it again, once I get it on virtual console for wii... I will never grow tired of this, it was the first game I played right through and it will be one game I will hold on to for a long time.
No game has filled its shoes since it's release, but I believe nintendo. being as great as it is, will pull out another grand adventure in the near future.